Well lets just say this weekend has been busy, fun, exciting... did I mention busy?? We are finishing the outside paint job on our house, we're fall cleaning and I finished my hallway armoire. We had a family get together yesterday, more cleaning and errand running today. I feel like I could go on and on.
Do you ever feel like you're just running in circles and you feel good about getting this done or cleaning that and then you turn around and it's almost like you never touched it in the first place? That's what I feel like pretty much everyday. I realized today that I could clean and clean and pick up and at the end of the day looking at what I did really matter? I'm not saying don't clean or pick up your house, but there's only so much before I just want to throw my hands up in the air.
When I truly think about it, I realize that Rowynn is only little for so long and I'm only going to be married for a third year once and I'm only 23 for one year and that God didn't put me here to run in circles. I feel so greatful to be realizing this now, when I tell people I want to be the best wife and mother and daughter to God I can be It's not going to be the cleaning or the picking up or even decorating that I want them to remember me by; it's the Love and the life I have to offer and the hugs and the kisses and the ears for listening and the hands for playing the words that come out of my mouth that brings glory to God. This is what I want my life to be about!! This is what I want to be remembered by.
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